Survey on online counselling and psychotherapy training

12 December 2023

Following a tender process earlier this year, UniSQ was selected to undertake a comprehensive literature review. This review is focused on analysing evidence related to online training for counsellors and psychotherapists.

PACFA represents and regulates counsellors, psychotherapists and Indigenous healing practitioners across Australia. With more than 8000 members, PACFA has the highest standards for membership and registration. 67% of our membership hold postgraduate qualifications in the field. PACFA is the only counselling organisation with full membership of Allied Health Professionals Australia and is a qualifying member of the National Alliance of Self Regulating Health Professions. PACFA is committed to disseminating and facilitating evidence-informed research to contribute to and enhance the evidence base of the Counselling and Psychotherapy profession, as well as to ensure best practice in training, education and professional practice.

The aim of this research project is to evaluate evidence related to the online training of counsellors and psychotherapists to inform future revisions to PACFA’s Training Standards.

You are invited to share your views

UniSQ is conducting a survey to gather a diverse range of experiences and opinions. Your participation, which involves completing a 30-minute online survey, will provide invaluable insights into the effectiveness and impact of online training within the profession. There is also an opportunity for a deeper exploration of your views and experiences through a 30-minute follow-up interview.

Access the survey here: A comparative analysis of evidence relating to the online training of counsellors and psychotherapists

Questions will include:

  • How well graduates felt prepared for their work as counsellors and/or psychotherapists through their online training
  • Was there a difference in delivery needs between theoretical understanding and skill development?
  • What graduates value about their online training
  • How well graduates felt prepared for their work as counsellors and/or psychotherapists through face-to-face training
  • What graduates valued about their face-to-face training
  • What employers valued about the skills/competencies that graduates demonstrated
  • How well employers thought graduates were prepared for their work through online/face-to-face training.

The survey is a component of the literature review project initiated by PACFA. Your participation will provide us with data that will shape the direction of counselling and psychotherapy training standards in Australia.

We greatly appreciate your time and feedback and thank you for your continued support and engagement in this important research initiative.