Places available on the Infants, Children and Young People Interest Group

12 July 2023

There are still places available for those who wish to volunteer to be a part of the Infants, Children and Young People Interest Group, but applicants are asked to please include your PACFA registration and an outline of your experience in your expression of interest.

The group has been pleased with the interest shown lately by members wishing to join the group. There are still places available for those who wish to volunteer to be a part of the group. To register your interest, email [email protected]. Please remember to include your PACFA registration and an outline of your experience as well as interest in joining (that is: please provide an EOI).

The Infants, Children and Young People Interest Group is volunteer-run. By joining the group, you are expressing an active interest in participating in the activities of the group. As the Infants, Children and Young People Interest Group is established, they will organise ways to inform those who are interested in learning more about it and receiving news about its activities. As for now, the group is looking for those who would actively like to participate.

The next meeting of the Infants, Children and Young People Interest Group is 16 August at 7:00pm online, to register your interest, email [email protected].