PACFA's presentations to students

14 November 2023

In a series of ongoing PACFA-hosted presentations, CEO Johanna de Wever has joined senior PACFA staff members to discuss the evolving counselling landscape to the students of Morling and Excelsia colleges.

Entitled ‘Looking to the future: opportunities for counsellors and the role of registration,’ the presentations showcase the potential growth avenues for qualified counsellors through the National Standards project and highlight the distinct counsellor accreditation levels, which are crucial for tailored support and specialised services.

Throughout the presentations, inclusivity of the profession is underscored, and the importance of welcoming diverse backgrounds to enrich the field with varied perspectives. Notably, the presentations provide explanations on how PACFA registration is a key asset for the professional journeys of aspiring counsellors.

Taken together, the insights anticipate a promising future for counsellors within the PACFA community and encourage the students to make significant impacts in the lives they will serve--and to align their goals with PACFA's commitment to excellence.