PACFA Head of Practice attends National Counselling and Psychotherapy Conference

On Tuesday 6 June 2023, PACFA’s newly-appointed Head of Practice and PACFA Member Sophie Keramidopoulos attended the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Conference at the Australian National Maritime Museum in Sydney. The in-person conference, with a theme of “Restart, Recharge, Reconnect” had over 200 attendees, 12 speakers, and 10 sessions, and presented an opportunity for all to interact and network with practitioners and professionals.

The Conference covered a range of areas, including addiction, the future of counselling in a post-pandemic world, meeting the challenges confronting young people today, rethinking workplace mental wellbeing solutions, and post-pandemic relationship rebuilding. “Being surrounded by so many experts in the field was an incredible experience” says Sophie.

Presentations on addiction by Tara Hurster and on post-pandemic relationships by Dr Rowan Burckhardt were particular highlights of the Conference. Sophie states that ‘It was interesting to hear about the tools and therapy practices they used, including the incorporation of new technology into therapeutic practice.’