PACFA’s Governance Committee: 2023 update

13 December 2023

In 2023, PACFA’s Governance Committee has been busy supporting consistent and appropriate Terms of Reference for all PACFA’s Committees and Leadership Groups. As a range of highly-qualified volunteers, the Committee meets monthly to work on a variety of important projects, which in 2023 have included the introduction of confidentiality agreements for volunteers around PACFA’s intellectual property, as well as updating a range of policies and procedures that support good governance.

2023 saw new PACFA volunteer Kylie Norman join Will Bonney, Nigel Polak, and Scott Rogan on the Governance Committee. The Committee is chaired by Scott Rogan, who worked for 25 years as a Detective and Police Negotiator in NSW Police Force before retiring in 2012 as a Detective Inspector; since then, he has worked as an Investigator for NSW Independent Commission against Corruption, Australian Commission Law Enforcement Integrity and NSW Ombudsman.

With the introduction of the 2022 Board, PACFA required all Board members to undertake Governance training and also necessitated the establishment and timely updating a robust Conflict of Interest register. These governance requirements are important to ensure that PACFA meets the expectations of members and stakeholders, including the Federal Government.

Governance is the process through which an organisation ensures fairness, transparency, accountability and responsibility. PACFA’s Governance Committee was established in 2020 with the aim of supporting and advising the PACFA Board on the effective governance of PACFA.

The purpose of the Governance Committee is to provide support and advice to ensure that the PACFA Board is able to fulfill its legal, ethical, and functional responsibilities through adequate governance policy development, processes for Board recruitment, induction, and training, and processes for reviewing and evaluating the performance of the Board, Board Committees, individual Directors and Board Committee members. 

For more information on PACFA’s Governance Committee, as well as further information about its members, please click here.