National Principles address coercive control in domestic violence

09 November 2023

The Australian Government has collaborated with all state and territory governments to develop the National Principles to Address Coercive Control in Family and Domestic Violence (the ‘National Principles’). These National Principles offer a shared perspective on coercive control, with a specific focus on enhancing the safety of all Australians, especially women and children.

On 22 September, the Standing Council of Attorneys-General officially launched these principles, which centre on seven key aspects:

  1. A common understanding of coercive control's features.
  2. Acknowledgment of its profound and pervasive impact.
  3. An intersectional approach to its comprehension.
  4. Improving societal awareness.
  5. Incorporating lived experiences.
  6. Coordination across prevention, early intervention, response, recovery, and healing.
  7. Integration into legal responses.

The National Principles are a guide for both government and non-government organisations involved in addressing coercive control. They also serve as a tool to raise public awareness, ultimately leading to more effective responses to family and domestic violence, and safer outcomes for survivors.

By understanding these principles, PACFA members can offer more effective support to clients facing coercive control, contribute to a coordinated national response and advocate for victims' rights.

For more information, refer to the provided resources below.