PACFA part of successful bid for new Brimbank Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub

11 July 2022

PACFA is a supporting partner of the Brimbank Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub, which will open in late 2022 to provide mental health treatment, care, and support for Victorians aged 26 and over, including people with co-occurring alcohol and other drugs issues.

Following the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System, the Victorian Government has committed $5.1bn over the last two budgets to increasing mental health support. As part of this investment, up to 60 new Local Adult and Older Adult Mental Health and Wellbeing Services will be established.

The Brimbank Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub, run by cohealth in partnership with Clarity Health Care and the University of Melbourne, will be one of the first new services to open. The Hub will increase accessibility to mental health and wellbeing support, and will be a welcoming drop-in space with no referral needed. The Hubs will be staffed by qualified mental health professionals who meet the diverse needs of communities around the state.

Any future opportunities for PACFA members with the Brimbank Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub will be announced in our eNews, social media, and website.

Read the Victorian Government’s announcement.