Integrative Medicine for Complex Trauma and PTSD

Mind Body Training Institute



Integrative Medicine for Complex Trauma and PTSD

2 May 2024, 8:00am - 9:30am AEST


Complex trauma is a devastating condition. For many clients, recovery is slow, and for others, non-existent. Prolonged trauma causes clients to be out of physiological, biological, and psychological balance, leading to many problems, including anxiety, depression, and a range of physical health issues.

Many psychotherapy approaches address both the mind and body, but the psychotherapy field as a whole has yet to appreciate the multitude of complementary and alternative health approaches that help heal trauma.

This 90-minute live webinar discuses some of the most powerful alternative health approaches for addressing trauma and explains how expanding your knowledge about these can help your clients heal trauma more effectively.


Leslie Korn, Ph.D. in Behavioral Medicine from the Union Institute, MA in Cross Cultural Health Psychology from Lesley University, MPH from the Harvard School of Public Health. She was a Clinical Fellow at Harvard Medical School 

This course counts towards 1.5 hours of category A CPD.

Click here to register.

2/05/2024 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
AUS Eastern Standard Time