Process Focussed Approach to Couples Therapy

Relationship Institute Australasia




Process Focussed Approach to Couples Therapy

25 - 26 July 2024, 8:30am - 4:30pm AEST


Discover how to better understand the multiple and complex levels of processes involved from the beginning to the end of couples therapy; questions on how to support a couple to have deeper, more authentic, and real conversations to heal their relationships and questions about how therapy can ultimately lead a couple to emotionally corrective experiences that create understanding, healing and changes.

A process focussed orientation moves through all stages of therapy such as a detailed assessment, formulation and then feedback.


John Flanagan - AMHSW - Master of Gestalt Therapy - Certified Gottman Therapist and Advanced Gottman Clinical Trainer

Trish Purnell-Webb - Clinical Psychologist - Certified Gottman Therapist and Advanced Gottman Clinical Trainer & Consultant

This event counts as 12 hours of category A CPD.

To register, please click here. 

25/07/2024 8:30 AM - 26/07/2024 4:30 PM
AUS Eastern Standard Time
Live and Interactive Via ZOOM