Call for articles: Contribute to the next edition of Psychotherapy & Counselling Today 

There are many ways of knowing about one’s clinical practice. There are also many ways of conveying and sharing that knowledge.

While research is one of the more common forms of communicating practice wisdom, the word ‘research’ can be daunting to many of us. Traditionally, published research has been dominated by questionnaires, statistical programs and long, often boring treatises of limited relevance to the practicing counsellor.

While the boundaries of what constitutes research have exploded in the last couple of decades (I’m thinking here of the ever-expanding fields of qualitative research) your average practitioner tends not see themselves as a ‘researcher’.

How then might we convey what we learn from our clients, from professional development, reading, supervision and discussions with our peers? If ‘research’ is daunting, could we find other words to assist us in sharing and exchanging knowledge of our work.

I’m thinking of words like ‘ideas’, ‘thoughts’, ‘concepts’, ‘challenges’, questions’ and ‘reflections’.

This journal is an opportunity for all practitioners to speak about their encounters within their work – be it with practice, policy, politics, technology, individuals and organisations.  

For more information about submitting to Psychotherapy and Counselling Today please contact [email protected]