Structural Family Therapy and Solution Focused Brief Therapy

Clinical Supervision Services

Structural Family Therapy and Solution Focused Brief Therapy: E-Learning Module

Presenter: Christine Senediak

This online module provides participants with a solid understanding of both Structural Family Therapy and Solution Focused Based Therapy (SFBT).

The aim of the first part of this module is to introduce participants to the basic ideas and practices of structural family therapy such as hierarchies and enmeshment and introduce techniques for working with families in a structural model. 

The second part of the module is on SFBT where the focus of therapy moves from problems to describing exceptions and strengths and what clients are achieving in their lives to bring about change. Key ideas and principles are explored, including interventions such as questioning techniques, the miracle question and scaling questions.

This module consists of 5 self-paced sections and includes video demonstrations, practical examples, reflective tasks, readings and a short quiz. 

The course is suitable for health and welfare professionals who currently or intend to work with families. It is anticipated that the module will take 8-10 Hours.

This eLearning course is delivered via an independent online learning platform with all-inclusive learning materials and resources.

This module also forms part of the 6 module “Core Skills in Family Therapy” E-Learning Course.


Christine Senediak BA.(Hons), M.Psychol (Clin), M.Family Therapy is Principal Director of Clinical Supervision Services and Sydney Family Therapy Training Institute and has over 35 years of experience working as a clinical psychologist, educator and supervisor. She has a strong interest in evidence-based practice and systems theory and integrates this in her work as therapist, educator and supervisor. She supervises widely providing individual, peer, group and organisational supervision to psychiatrists, psychologists and other health clinicians working in child, adolescent and family services, schools, adult mental health, drug health, gambling, sexual assault, cross cultural and trauma services. Christine has trained as a systemic family therapist, which influences her approach to clinical supervision where the wider context is considered in understanding the development and maintenance of problems in clinical presentations. She employs a reflective practice approach to supervision enhancing self-awareness of relational issues between therapist, client and systems. Christine incorporates elements of systemic, cognitive behavioural, mindfulness and person-centred therapies in supervision and training.

Enrol anytime - You have 12 months to access the course materials.

For full details see the website

This event counts as 10 hours of category B CPD for PACFA’s membership renewal requirements.

18/01/2021 - 11/03/2022
Online Training
Online registration not available.

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